No more free bugs???

26 03 2009

A very interesting zdnet article on an interview with Hacker Charlie Miller, winner of this years Pwn2Own. While opensource communities work together to squash bugs the commercial community have their always paid bug squashers. This turns the entire issue of bug squashing into panning for gold.

Charlie actually discovered the bug that helped him exploit Safari on a Mac Airbook last year but kept quite about it . He says ‘No more free bugs’ because Apple pays people to squash bugs anyway. He’s absolutly right, but as a consequence paid commercial software now has to worry about security vulnerabilities and exploits due to non-reportage. Dere’s money in dem thar hills! 🙂 Hoo-boy!!

Compare 3d software

11 04 2008

The newly updated version of the 3d software comparison table at tdt3d is out.

Gsculpt Resource

1 03 2008

Pencil Sauce’s George Supreeth has set up Painless3d and Gsculpt Blog. He says both blogs are his personal projects aimed at getting his friends to embrace 3d software and what better way than opensource. Britefury’s Gsculpt is a phenomenal tool to teach 3d basics to beginners.